Summer Camp 2023 Dates
Discovery May 30-June 1
Junior May 30-June 2
CYF June 5-June 10
Chi Rho July 23-27
Eighters June 11-June 17 w/Kentucky Christian Church Region - Camp Wakon' Da-Ho
Post High Weekend July 14-16
Welcome to Bethany Hills Camp!
Bethany Hills Camp and Conference Center is a 300-acre parcel property owned and operated by the Christian Church in Tennessee and located in the rolling hills of Cheatham and Dickson Counties. Bethany Hills is "Holy Ground." Not only does the magnificent landscape offer a beautiful picture of God's creative genius in Middle Tennessee, but the spiritual atmosphere around the Chapel by the Lake, the Upper Room, campfire area and fellowship and study areas provides a "beautiful view" of God's presence and love. Campers grow as Christians, returning to their daily lives renewed and responsive to the challenge of living faithfully. The camp has a recreation hall, a swimming pool, ball field, hiking trails, and a good ol' fashioned fishin' hole. At the heart of Bethany Hills is the Lodge with a wonderful meeting and gathering room and dorm-style sleeping rooms.

A small collection of pictures of the grounds